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Corpus Actions


If you're familiar with GitHub actions - user-scripted functions that run automatically over a software vcs repository when certain actions take place (like a merge, PR, etc.) - then a CorpusAction should be a familair concept. You can configure a celery task using our @doc_analyzer_task decorator (see more here on how to write these) and then configure a CorpusAction to run your custom task on all documents added to the target corpus.

Setting up a Corpus Action

Supported Actions

NOTE: Currently, you have to configure all of this via the Django admin dashboard (http://localhost:8000/admin if you're using our local deployment), We'd like to expose this functionality using our React frontend, but the required GUI elements and GraphQL mutations need to be built out. A good starter PR for someone ;-).

Currently, a CorpusAction can be configured to run one of three types of analyzers automatically:

  1. A data extract fieldset - in which case, a data extract will be created and run on new documents added to the configured corpus (see our guide on setting up a data extract job)
  2. An Analyzer
    1. Configured as a "Gremlin Microservice". See more information on configuring a microservice-based analyzer here
    2. Configured to run a task decorated using the @doc_analyzer_task decorator. See more about configuring these kinds of tasks here.

Creating Corpus Action

From within the Django admin dashboard, click on CorpusActions or the +Add button next to the header:


Once you've opened the create action form, you'll see a number of different options you can configure:


See next section for more details on these configuration options. Once you type in the appropriate configurations and hit "Save", the specified Analyzer or Fieldset will be run automatically on the specified Corpus! If you want to learn more about the underlying architecture, check out our deep dive on CorpusActions.

Configuration Options for Corpus Action

Corpus specifies that an action should run only on a single corpus, specified via dropdown.

Analyzer or Fieldset properties control whether an analysis or data extract runs when the applicable trigger is run (more on this below). If you want to run a data extract when document is added to the corpus, select the fieldset defining the data you want to extract. If you want to run an analyzer, select the pre-configured analyzer. Remember, an analyzer can point to a microservice or a task decorated with @doc_analyzer_task.

Trigger refers to the specific action type that should kick off the desired analysis. Currently, we "provide" add and edit actions - i.e., run specified analytics when a document is added or edited, respectively - but we have not configured the edit action to run.

Disabled is a toggle that will turn off the specified CorpusAction for ALL corpuses.

Run on all corpuses is a toggle that, if True, will run the specified action on EVERY corpus. Be careful with this as it runs for all corpuses for ALL users. Depending on your environment, this could incur a substantial compute cost and other users may not appreciate this. A nice feature we'd love to add is a more fine-grained set of rules based access controls to limit actions to certain groups. This would require a substantial investment into the frontend of the application and remains an unlikely addition, though we'd absolutely welcome contributions!

Quick Reference - Configuring @doc_analyzer_task + Analyzer

If you write your own @doc_analyzer_task and want to run it automatically, let's step through this step-by-step.

  1. First, we assume you put a properly written and decorated task in
  2. Second, you need to create and configure an Analyzer via the Django admin panel. Click on the +Add button next to the Analyzer entry in the admin sidebar and then configure necessary properties:


Place the name of your task in the task_name property - e.g. opencontractserver.tasks.doc_analysis_tasks.contract_not_contract, add a brief description, assign the creator to the desired user, and click save. 3. Now, this Analyzer instance can be assigned to a CorpusAction!