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Generate GraphQL Schema Files

Generating GraphQL Schema Files

Open Contracts uses Graphene to provide a rich GraphQL endpoint, complete with the GraphiQL query application. For some applications, you may want to generate a GraphQL schema file in SDL or json. On example use case is if you're developing a frontend you want to connect to OpenContracts, and you'd like to autogenerate Typescript types from a GraphQL Schena.

To generate a GraphQL schema file, run your choice of the following commands.

For an SDL file:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run django python graphql_schema --schema config.graphql.schema.schema --out schema.graphql

For a JSON file:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run django python graphql_schema --schema config.graphql.schema.schema --out schema.json

You can convert these to TypeScript for use in a frontend (though you'll find this has already been done for the React- based OpenContracts frontend) using a tool like this.