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Making a Django Application Compatible with LlamaIndex using a Custom Vector Store


In this walkthrough, we'll explore how the custom DjangoAnnotationVectorStore makes a Django application compatible with LlamaIndex, enabling powerful vector search capabilities within the application's structured annotation store. By leveraging the BasePydanticVectorStore class provided by LlamaIndex and integrating it with Django's ORM and the pg-vector extension for PostgreSQL, we can achieve efficient and scalable vector search functionality.

Understanding the DjangoAnnotationVectorStore

The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore is a custom implementation of LlamaIndex's BasePydanticVectorStore class, tailored specifically for a Django application. It allows the application to store and retrieve granular, visually-locatable annotations (x-y blocks) from PDF pages using vector search.

Let's break down the key components and features of the DjangoAnnotationVectorStore:

1. Inheritance from BasePydanticVectorStore

class DjangoAnnotationVectorStore(BasePydanticVectorStore):

By inheriting from BasePydanticVectorStore, the DjangoAnnotationVectorStore gains access to the base functionality and interfaces provided by LlamaIndex for vector stores. This ensures compatibility with LlamaIndex's query engines and retrieval methods.

2. Integration with Django's ORM

The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore leverages Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to interact with the application's database. It defines methods like _get_annotation_queryset() and _build_filter_query() to retrieve annotations from the database using Django's queryset API.

def _get_annotation_queryset(self) -> QuerySet:
    queryset = Annotation.objects.all()
    if self.corpus_id is not None:
        queryset = queryset.filter(
            Q(corpus_id=self.corpus_id) | Q(document__corpus=self.corpus_id)
    if self.document_id is not None:
        queryset = queryset.filter(document=self.document_id)
    if self.must_have_text is not None:
        queryset = queryset.filter(raw_text__icontains=self.must_have_text)
    return queryset.distinct()

This integration allows seamless retrieval of annotations from the Django application's database, making it compatible with LlamaIndex's querying and retrieval mechanisms.

The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore utilizes the pg-vector extension for PostgreSQL to perform efficient vector search operations. pg-vector adds support for vector data types and provides optimized indexing and similarity search capabilities.

queryset = (
        CosineDistance("embedding", query.query_embedding)
        similarity=CosineDistance("embedding", query.query_embedding)
)[: query.similarity_top_k]

In the code above, the CosineDistance function from pg-vector is used to calculate the cosine similarity between the query embedding and the annotation embeddings stored in the database. This allows for fast and accurate retrieval of relevant annotations based on vector similarity.

4. Customization and Filtering Options

The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore provides various customization and filtering options to fine-tune the vector search process. It allows filtering annotations based on criteria such as corpus_id, document_id, and must_have_text.

def _build_filter_query(self, filters: Optional[MetadataFilters]) -> QuerySet:
    queryset = self._get_annotation_queryset()

    if filters is None:
        return queryset

    for filter_ in filters.filters:
        if filter_.key == "label":
            queryset = queryset.filter(annotation_label__text__iexact=filter_.value)
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported filter key: {filter_.key}")

    return queryset

This flexibility enables targeted retrieval of annotations based on specific metadata filters, enhancing the search capabilities of the application.

Benefits of Integrating LlamaIndex with Django

Integrating LlamaIndex with a Django application using the DjangoAnnotationVectorStore offers several benefits:

  1. Structured Annotation Storage: The Django application's annotation store provides a structured and organized way to store and manage granular annotations extracted from PDF pages. Each annotation is associated with metadata such as page number, bounding box coordinates, and labels, allowing for precise retrieval and visualization.
  2. Efficient Vector Search: By leveraging the pg-vector extension for PostgreSQL, the DjangoAnnotationVectorStore enables efficient vector search operations within the Django application. This allows for fast and accurate retrieval of relevant annotations based on their vector embeddings, improving the overall performance of the application.
  3. Compatibility with LlamaIndex: The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore is designed to be compatible with LlamaIndex's query engines and retrieval methods. This compatibility allows the Django application to benefit from the powerful natural language processing capabilities provided by LlamaIndex, such as semantic search, question answering, and document summarization.
  4. Customization and Extensibility: The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore provides a flexible and extensible foundation for building custom vector search functionality within a Django application. It can be easily adapted and extended to meet specific application requirements, such as adding new filtering options or incorporating additional metadata fields.


By implementing the DjangoAnnotationVectorStore and integrating it with LlamaIndex, a Django application can achieve powerful vector search capabilities within its structured annotation store. The custom vector store leverages Django's ORM and the pg-vector extension for PostgreSQL to enable efficient retrieval of granular annotations based on vector similarity.

This integration opens up new possibilities for building intelligent and interactive applications that can process and analyze large volumes of annotated data. With the combination of Django's robust web framework and LlamaIndex's advanced natural language processing capabilities, developers can create sophisticated applications that deliver enhanced user experiences and insights.

The DjangoAnnotationVectorStore serves as a bridge between the Django ecosystem and the powerful tools provided by LlamaIndex, enabling developers to harness the best of both worlds in their applications.