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Extracting Structured Data from Documents using LlamaIndex, AI Agents, and Marvin

We've added a powerful feature called "extract" that enables the generation of structured data grids from a list of documents using a combination of vector search, AI agents, and the Marvin library.

This run_extract task orchestrates the extraction process, spinning up a number of llama_index_doc_query tasks. Each of these query tasks uses LlamaIndex Django & pgvector for vector search and retrieval, and Marvin for data parsing and extraction. It processes each document and column in parallel using celery's task system.

All credit for the inspiration of this feature goes to the fine folks at Nlmatics. They were some of the first pioneers working on datagrids from document using a set of questions and custom transformer models. This implementation of their concept ultimately leverages newer techniques and better models, but hats off to them for coming up with a design like this in 2017/2018!

The current implementation relies heavily on LlamaIndex, specifically their vector store tooling, their reranker and their agent framework.

Structured data extraction is powered by the amazing Marvin library.


The extract process involves the following key components:

  1. Document Corpus: A collection of documents from which structured data will be extracted.
  2. Fieldset: A set of columns defining the structure of the data to be extracted.
  3. LlamaIndex: A library used for efficient vector search and retrieval of relevant document sections.
  4. AI Agents: Intelligent agents that analyze the retrieved document sections and extract structured data.
  5. Marvin: A library that facilitates the parsing and extraction of structured data from text.

The extract process is initiated by creating an Extract object that specifies the document corpus and the fieldset defining the desired data structure. The process is then broken down into individual tasks for each document and column combination, allowing for parallel processing and scalability.

Detailed Walkthrough

Here's how the extract process works step by step.

1. Initiating the Extract Process

The run_extract function is the entry point for initiating the extract process. It takes the extract_id and user_id as parameters and performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the Extract object from the database based on the provided extract_id.
  2. Sets the started timestamp of the extract to the current time.
  3. Retrieves the fieldset associated with the extract, which defines the columns of the structured data grid.
  4. Retrieves the list of document IDs associated with the extract.
  5. Creates Datacell objects for each document and column combination, representing the individual cells in the structured data grid.
  6. Sets the appropriate permissions for each Datacell object based on the user's permissions.
  7. Kicks off the processing job for each Datacell by appending a task to the Celery task queue.

2. Processing Individual Datacells

The llama_index_doc_query function is responsible for processing each individual Datacell.

Execution Flow Visualized:

graph TD
    I[llama_index_doc_query] --> J[Retrieve Datacell]
    J --> K[Create HuggingFaceEmbedding]
    K --> L[Create OpenAI LLM]
    L --> M[Create DjangoAnnotationVectorStore]
    M --> N[Create VectorStoreIndex]
    N --> O{Special character '|||' in search_text?}
    O -- Yes --> P[Split examples and average embeddings]
    P --> Q[Query annotations using averaged embeddings]
    Q --> R[Rerank nodes using SentenceTransformerRerank]
    O -- No --> S[Retrieve results using index retriever]
    S --> T[Rerank nodes using SentenceTransformerRerank]
    R --> U{Column is agentic?}
    T --> U
    U -- Yes --> V[Create QueryEngineTool]
    V --> W[Create FunctionCallingAgentWorker]
    W --> X[Create StructuredPlannerAgent]
    X --> Y[Query agent for definitions]
    U -- No --> Z{Extract is list?}
    Y --> Z
    Z -- Yes --> AA[Extract with Marvin]
    Z -- No --> AB[Cast with Marvin]
    AA --> AC[Save result to Datacell]
    AB --> AC
    AC --> AD[Mark Datacell complete]

Step-by-step Walkthrough

  1. The run_extract task is called with an extract_id and user_id. It retrieves the corresponding Extract object and marks it as started.

  2. It then iterates over the document IDs associated with the extract. For each document and each column in the extract's fieldset, it:

  3. Creates a new Datacell object with the extract, column, output type, creator, and document.
  4. Sets CRUD permissions for the datacell to the user.
  5. Appends a llama_index_doc_query task to a list of tasks, passing the datacell ID.

  6. After all datacells are created and their tasks added to the list, a Celery chord is used to group the tasks. Once all tasks are complete, it calls the mark_extract_complete task to mark the extract as finished.

  7. The llama_index_doc_query task processes each individual datacell. It:

  8. Retrieves the datacell and marks it as started.
  9. Creates a HuggingFaceEmbedding model and sets it as the Settings.embed_model.
  10. Creates an OpenAI LLM and sets it as the Settings.llm.
  11. Creates a DjangoAnnotationVectorStore from the document ID and column settings.
  12. Creates a VectorStoreIndex from the vector store.

  13. If the search_text contains the special character '|||':

  14. It splits the examples and calculates the embeddings for each example.
  15. It calculates the average embedding from the individual embeddings.
  16. It queries the Annotation objects using the averaged embeddings and orders them by cosine distance.
  17. It reranks the nodes using SentenceTransformerRerank and retrieves the top-n nodes.
  18. It adds the annotation IDs of the reranked nodes to the datacell's sources.
  19. It retrieves the text from the reranked nodes.

  20. If the search_text does not contain the special character '|||':

  21. It retrieves the relevant annotations using the index retriever based on the search_text or query.
  22. It reranks the nodes using SentenceTransformerRerank and retrieves the top-n nodes.
  23. It adds the annotation IDs of the reranked nodes to the datacell's sources.
  24. It retrieves the text from the retrieved nodes.

  25. If the column is marked as agentic:

  26. It creates a QueryEngineTool, FunctionCallingAgentWorker, and StructuredPlannerAgent.
  27. It queries the agent to find defined terms and section references in the retrieved text.
  28. The definitions and section text are added to the retrieved text.

  29. Depending on whether the column's extract_is_list is true, it either:

  30. Extracts a list of the output_type from the retrieved text using Marvin, with optional instructions or query.
  31. Casts the retrieved text to the output_type using Marvin, with optional instructions or query.

  32. The result is saved to the datacell's data field based on the output_type. The datacell is marked as completed.

  33. If an exception occurs during processing, the error is logged, saved to the datacell's stacktrace, and the datacell is marked as failed.

Next Steps

This is more of a proof-of-concept of the power of the existing universe of open source tooling. There are a number of more advanced techniques we can use to get better retrieval, more intelligent agentic behavior and more. Also, we haven't optomized for performance AT ALL, so any improvements in any of these areas would be welcome. Further, we expect the real power for an open source tool like OpenContracts to come from custom implementations of this functionality, so we'll also be working on more easily customizable and modular agents and retrieval pipelines so you can quickly select the right pipeline for the right task.