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How Annotations are Handled


Here's a step-by-step explanation of the flow:

  1. The user selects text on the PDF by clicking and dragging the mouse. This triggers a mouse event in the Page component.
  2. The Page component checks if the Shift key is pressed.
  3. If the Shift key is not pressed, it creates a new selection and sets the selection state in the AnnotationStore.
  4. If the Shift key is pressed, it adds the selection to the selection queue in the AnnotationStore.
  5. The AnnotationStore updates its internal state with the new selection or the updated selection queue.
  6. If the Shift key is released, the Page component triggers the creation of a multi-page annotation. If the Shift key is still pressed, it waits for the next user action.
  7. To create a multi-page annotation, the Page component combines the selections from the queue.
  8. The Page component retrieves the annotation data from the PDFPageInfo object for each selected page.
  9. The Page component creates a ServerAnnotation object with the combined annotation data.
  10. The Page component calls the createAnnotation function in the AnnotationStore, passing the ServerAnnotation object.
  11. The AnnotationStore invokes the requestCreateAnnotation function in the Annotator component.
  12. The Annotator component sends a mutation to the server to create the annotation.
  13. If the server responds with success, the Annotator component updates the local state with the new annotation. If there's an error, it displays an error message.
  14. The updated annotations trigger a re-render of the relevant components, reflecting the newly created annotation on the PDF.


graph TD
    A[User selects text on the PDF] -->|Mouse event| B(Page component)
    B --> C{Is Shift key pressed?}
    C -->|No| D[Create new selection]
    C -->|Yes| E[Add selection to queue]
    D --> F[Set selection state in AnnotationStore]
    E --> G[Update selection queue in AnnotationStore]
    F --> H{Is Shift key released?}
    G --> H
    H -->|Yes| I[Create multi-page annotation]
    H -->|No| J[Wait for next user action]
    I --> K[Combine selections from queue]
    K --> L[Get annotation data from PDFPageInfo]
    L --> M[Create ServerAnnotation object]
    M --> N[Call createAnnotation in AnnotationStore]
    N --> O[Invoke requestCreateAnnotation in Annotator]
    O --> P[Send mutation to server]
    P --> Q{Server response}
    Q -->|Success| R[Update local state with new annotation]
    Q -->|Error| S[Display error message]
    R --> T[Re-render components with updated annotations]